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CD DVD Duplication and Replication Services, Chicago

Chicago Roots

Mediatechnics was started in 1988 in the downtown Chicago area. Eventually the company was merged with a major PC game development company and moved to Arizona and then to CA when the game company was sold and Mediatechnics split off on its own. To this day, we still have loyal customers in the Chicago area.

The sales rep on the Chicago area serviced the entire metro area and was kept quite busy. In those days, most of the business was in 3.5 floppy discs and duplication and labeling of those disc. We sold a lot of disc duplicators and labelers that are still being used today in specialty markets.

With the advancements in technology, many of our customers have upgraded their duplication equipment with our line and they also continue to use our replication services. We have such extremely low prices for the replication of CD, DVD-5 or DVD-9, they are extremely hard to beat by any company based locally in Chicago.

We now use our duplication and replication facilities in CA to produce and then ship the finished product back to Chicago. Shipping to Chicago from our CA plants is less than 4 days ground via UPS.

Another advantage is that there are no sales taxes applied to orders placed in Chicago. In many cases, this far out ways the nominal price of shipping.

If your in Chicago and looking to have a job duplicated or replicated, fill out the info below.
With prices on DVD-5 replication with a 5 color silkscreen starting at less than a $1.50 per disc, you can't go wrong.

Phone Number:
Nature of Job:
Describe your project:
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What is the total of 7 + 1

Chicago Resource Site:
University of Chicago
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